Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 down 7 to go!

I am making progress on my shawl. And learning a few things along the way. 

First the progress...

After looking at the most recent picture of my progress, I have realized that I live a very distracted life right now. I guess I have always known that, but it is showing up in my knitting!! Really this is a simple pattern, once a lot of time is taken to decode it! It is a repeating pattern of 4 rows. Two of which are purl rows. So really, one would think it could be done rather easily. However, if you look at the left side of my growing shawl you may think you see some mistakes (creativity) with the pattern. You are right, somehow I lost control. 

I have decided to continue and not rip it out. I am going to try to do my best to pay attention to the pattern. I would like to wear this later this summer!

Some day I will look back at my work, see the inconsistencies in the pattern, and remember all the inconsistencies in my life right now. And I will smile:)

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