Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Knitting in the Summer

Some people say it is to hot to knit in the summer! Are they crazy? If you like to knit, then find a way to keep knitting. I plan to knit right through the summer. I have my Birthday Shawl to finish and an awesome new sock pattern to try!

I was going to post my progress on my scarf, but it would look like this..
...the same as the last post.

I have been to 3 music concerts, (one of which I sat towards the back a did get a few rows of knitting in), two First Communions, a wedding, a medieval fest, a track and field day, and a bunch more that is blurry at the moment. 
So, needless to say, there is not much knitting going on here. I have higher hopes for June. As I see it there is no reason to stop knitting because of the weather.

I am looking forward to this again soon...
Happy Summer!!

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