Sunday, March 6, 2011

I just crossed a line!!

As I started my new headband,

I realized that I have crossed a line in knitting.

The line is having multiple projects going, without a set finishing date, but a REALLY great reason for having to start them!! 

Up until now I was in control. I had one, maybe two projects going at a time. I would happily interchange working on one or the other. See it through to completion, and then buy yarn and start another project. I didn't "get it" when I read about people who have many projects going at once. Why would you "let yourself go" like that. And now here it sit with my projects and justifications for all.

Really, wouldn't it be wise to create and finish a winter headband before the summer comes? Actually, I was hoping I wouldn't need the headband this March, however, with another impending snow storm at the end of this week, I think I may be sporting the headband well into May!! I might even wear it to the Shepherd's Wool Festival on Mother's Day.

Then there is this lovely Prayer Shawl I stared for kid #4. The only one who does not have a blankie. I think everyone should have a blanket to hide under. One you can dive under when you need a few minutes to collect yourself and to avoid the reality around you!! Kid #4 is in need a such a blanket and, of course, I am the person to provide it!! 

I am still working on my blue cardigan, which I haven't even written about yet!

And then there is the yummy box of fingering wool for the Latvian Mittens I am making for the State Fair in August. Really, I will post those pictures soon. So many possibilities there!

OK, I admitted it, I'm all in, and I am still smiling:)

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