Monday, March 28, 2011

The Real Latvian Mitten has begun!

I did it! I made it past the fringe, which looks great! Definitely an improvement over the first try. Then I did the cool braid, and made it up to the beginning of the thumb opening.

I am enjoying the process again! Now that I am successfully past the fringe. That was a bit stressful! Now I have to find a few more moments of quiet to figure out the thumb opening. Mittens sure would be simpler if we did not have to accommodate our opposable thumbs! However, living without them would be much more difficult than figuring out how to knit around them:)

The only part that I am going to need to work on as I continue with Latvian Mittens is the tension with the yarn. The X pattern part of the mitten is a bit tighter than the rest of the mitten. However, remember this...

I love this knitting bag, but seemed to have a tension problem here too. Although, I do think I am improving:)

I let kid #5 pick the color scheme for these mittens since she will be wearing them. And yes, I think I will finish this pair before the snow melts! I am not sure if they are "true" Latvian mittens since I totally varied the colors from the original pattern. They are still going to look awesome:)


Anonymous said...

How beautiful! You are getting better at tension! and what a lovely design.

Jo said...

Thanks! I think so too:)