Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Prayer Shawl Part 2

Well, after knitting through almost all of my large ball of yarn I realized that the prayer shawl was looking more like a lap blanket. It was too wide and the yarn shortage was an issue. Do I drive all the way back to the Yarn Garage, www.yarngarage.com (my favorite Rosemount, MN yarn shop), or do I rip out my work, and restart with less stitches?

Here is what I ended up doing...

I ripped it out. Kids #1,2,4 & 5 were very sad about the whole situation. Much sadder than me. They knew I had put in a lot of time and were sorry to see it go. "Oh, mom!". Kid #3 trusted my judgment and and knew that what had to be done, had to be done.

OK, confession here, the main reason I ripped it out and was glad for an excuse of low yarn was pure pride! The first 5 rows were not exactly the K3 P3 (knit 3 purl 3) pattern that I was attempting to follow. The mistakes were glaring.

Since this is a gift for a friend I am glad to rip it out and begin again...tomorrow.

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