Saturday, November 12, 2011

9960 Stitches in 5 days!

My sister-in-law just had abdominal surgery for the third time this fall. We are all grateful that she is home and is healing:)
When my first daughter was born I needed a C Section as she decided sideways was a very comfortable position to be in. When I heard news of my sister-in-laws 3rd surgery my own scar shuddered with pain. The healing process for me took a long time.

So, I set out to make her a prayer shawl. First so we could all send her a "big hug" since we are 1000 miles away. Second, so she could have something to snuggle with as she healed.

I picked some yarn from my stash. One of my favorite things about having a stash is that when an idea comes to mind I can start knitting within 5 minutes! I selected a creamy beige alpaca yarn and paired it with some yarn I bought in Austria many, many years ago. I knit the two yarns together for a nice warm blended look.

Usually as I knit I pull the yarn from the middle of the skein. With my yellow yarn from Austria I knit from the outside in. Not sure why....just happened. Now maybe this is true of yarn created in America, but I have never tested it. As I was getting to the end of the ball of yarn the coolest shape became clear. In the middle of the ball was a star. 

Now all I have to do is block and send!


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