Friday, November 25, 2011

Latvian Mittens and Pecan Pie!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

At our house we made a great feast. Unfortunately, we did not think to take a picture of our most beautiful turkey yet! If you look at the front cover of the November Bon Appetit, you can see what our turkey looked like. Really, we are getting good at turkey baking.

I did snap a picture of the remaining pecan pie. Also, a great improvement from last year. This year I made two recipe changes and one technique change. First, I made it without corn syrup, and toasted the pecans before chopping them and adding them to the pie. The technique change came from a cooking show I saw. It recommended putting the pecans in the pie shell first, and then adding the filling and then into the oven to bake. I do think my pie from last year, where I sprinkled the pecans on top of the pie filling before baking looked better. However, this pie is the best tasting pecan pie I have ever made.
Next year should be better than ever. 

I got a bit of knitting time in and made a little progress past the thumb.

I have found that the space between the lining and the outer mitten is a great place to store my needle number 5. 


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