Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My own Latvian Mitten Pattern!

Before I began knitting my mittens I spent hours looking over all the beautiful pictures of completed mittens in Latvian Mittens by Lizbeth Upitis. There are over 90 pictures of completed mittens and the patterns for each one. Really, how can anyone decide on one? But, I was excited to get started and decided on 10b Kurzeme (a region in Latvia), it is graph 105. Each picture has a little reference to a graph number in the back of the book. 

Graph 105 is a grid filled in with three colors. I am using navy blue, tan and white. The graph is only 14 squares wide and then repeats itself all around the mitten. I started by doing some math first. My total number of stitches must be divisible by 14 (70 stitches for me) if I want a concentric circle of pattern.

The top part of the mitten is also a repeating pattern. This pattern has a 12 row repeating pattern. 
I still need to take the time to figure out what happened.

The mitten pattern that was developing before my eyes did not match the picture I had selected in the book. If you notice the columns in the honeycomb pattern I will show you what is different. In the original picture there is navy knitting around each tan and white honeycomb. In my pattern every other column is connected by tan through the whole column. Meanwhile, the other column is not connected. I am not too concerned about this as it appears that I have created a new pattern that is consistent!!
I also hit a landmark. I am at the thumb of my left mitten!!

Now it is time to go prepare my turkey for baking in the morning:)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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