Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Headband Diversion

Even though it is getting a bit cold, and I will need my mittens soon, I got a bit distracted on a recent trip to my LYS (Local Yarn Shop).

OK, so on my way home from lunch with my family, we happened to be close to The Yarn Garage in Rosemount, MN.  I begged my sister to stop the car, and she indulged me!  She found two of her favorite colors in a really soft yarn, and I found a fun new pattern. The pattern is for a braided headband.

I actually wanted to sign up for the class which it taught by the designer of the pattern, but alas, at this point I am a working girl and the 10:30 am class time does not work for me.

Now that I am gaining a bit more experience as a knitter, I purchased the pattern with high hopes of making the headband by simply reading the pattern.

First of all the colors of the yarn are intriguing to me. I think you have to be 4 or over 40 to have the confidence to wear this combination.

The pattern is created for a single color of yarn. And apparently there is good reason for this. I restarted 3 times trying to get the braided effect my sister and I were imagining would work with this pattern.
 Nope! that is not it either.
Here is what I have so far. It started out so cool (the right side). This pattern has four sections which cable through the length to create the pattern. I think I may rip it out and try just using three sections with a cable to see what would happen!!??

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