Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm Rolling My Eyes Now!!

OK I can cross of goal #11 off my list. I now know how to make a knitted ruffled edge.

I found out through some very basic research one way to make the ruffle on the edge of your knitting. Also, my mom let me know of another way.

Option 1 Thanks MOM!!
If you will be knitting with size 8 needles for the main part of your item, then start with size 11 and knit for a row, then switch to size 10 for a row, then switch to size 9 for a row, then switch to size 8 for the remainder of your work.

Option 2 Thanks Google!!
Cast on four times as many stitches as you need. In the first row knit 2 stitches together across the row. In the second row knit or purl 2 stitches together across the row.


So cool, now I'll have to try it.

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