Monday, January 4, 2010

Knitting Goals for 2010

As a perpetual planner and strong believer in setting goals...I have created the following list for myself for 2010...

1. Finish the Coral Sweater!! Really all I need to do is attach the sleeves!!

2. Explore all that Ravelry has to offer. I joined, but have not done more than that!

3. Make something to felt.

4. Try ordering yarn on-line. The prices seem to be great. I want to find out if the colors will be close and the service will be fast.

5. Visit more local yarn shops.

6. Attend a knitting event this spring.

7. Make a knitting basket. This one may be the felting project I am looking for.

8. Teach someone how to knit.

9. Find a nice yarn for knitting dish cloths.

10. Knit a sweater for me! (I already have the pattern picked out.)

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