Friday, May 29, 2009

How the Prizes are awarded

Today is the day to find out what a rosette really is. Also, as the prizes are listed there dollar amounts and one ribbon. I am wondering if there is just one ribbon, or many. Like when I was in Elementary School and we had Track and Field day there were many levels of ribbons. This is pretty stiff competition if there is only one ribbon. And...I wonder if the prize money winners get a ribbon?

I just put in a call to the Competition Office to find my answers and the recorded message said they are in and to call back again because all of their lines are busy.

There is an email listed, if I don't get an answer soon I will do two things. One, wonder just how many people have questions and are calling on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Two, I will send my questions via email and see how that goes.

I just sent off my email full of questions, let's try the Competition Office one more luck, same nice ladies voice telling me they are in but all their lines are busy! Really???

Sorry for the weekend cliff hanger. I'll update you as I await an answer to my email.

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