Monday, May 18, 2009

State Fair or Bust!!

Well, here I go...

My first blog entry with a purpose. I have decided to enter something into the State Fair Needlecraft knitting exhibit to see if I have what it takes to earn a ribbon.

I have been knitting since I was six, stuck with it for about 2 years with my mothers persistance and a fun knitting class at the yarn shop in town. Now that I am 40 something I have returned to the knitting world slowly over the past few years, maybe knitting one project a year. This year my interest is picking up and I am truly enjoying the craft.

Perhaps I have put more time and energy into the knitting because all 5 of my fabulous children are now in school and I have just a bit of quiet time each day.

Below is a picture of a sweater and hat I knitted for kid #5. Yes, my reentry into knitting after a 30 year hiatus needed to be big! Well, the sweater is a size 2, but notice the stars and stripes etc.

All of this has been done with frequent phone calls to my mother who can knit anything without a pattern and it looks awesome.

So, back to the State Fair Adventure...I am going to print out the rules tonight and will share them tomorrow.

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